Support to Life’s digital education platform, Support to Life 360, offers humanitarian aid information, resources and trainings to anyone, from humanitarian aid professionals to interested individuals to the public and private sector. This February 27, we celebrate World NGO Day with a 360-degree perspective on humanitarian problems and response.

Celebrated as the World Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Day since 2014, February 27 is a special occasion to recognize, celebrate and honor all non-governmental and nonprofit organizations, and the people contribute to the society all year around. It is also an opportunity highlight the importance of the cooperation between NGOs, civil society and the public and private sectors.

Opened to access in 2021 in Turkish, Support to Life 360 was financed by European Union Humanitarian Aid, and implemented by STL as a partner of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, a German-based humanitarian aid organization. Designed as a capacity building platform with a digital remote learning space, it contains information and tools related to disaster response and humanitarian aid. So far, the platform has received over 1,000 visitors.

Support to Life Capacity Building Expert Merve Seda Çevik describes why Support to Life 360 ​​was designed: “We set out with the need for a common learning space, where existing knowledge in the field of civil society and humanitarian aid can be brought together and experiences can be shared and multiplied. Support to Life 360 ​offers this learning space, while also responding to the need to localize information and tools, and to ensure that resources in the field of international humanitarian aid can be disseminated in Turkish.”

After registering with Support to Life 360, it is possible to participate in all the digital trainings prepared by the experts of Support to Life and to receive a training certificate. Online trainings currently available on the website are:

  • Psychological first aid in disaster and crisis situations
  • Child safety
  • Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Providing support in preventing gender-based violence
  • Temporary and international protection
  • Mainstreaming protection
  • Child protection

In addition to remote trainings, programs for capacity building in civil society - which is one of the important working areas of Support to Life - are also being prepared. Making information available to the humanitarian aid field by scanning international resources and literature relevant to the local and regional context, supporting the empowerment of stakeholders in the field of disaster risk management and humanitarian aid, identifying needs together with relevant institutions and finding appropriate solutions are among the targets of Support to Life 360.



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