Become Our Supplier
We are targeting carrying out our humanitarian activities by using our resources more effectively and efficiently. Thus, we care about accessing the correct suppliers and establishing long-term cooperation in our product and service procurements as in our business processes.
We do not discriminate between our suppliers in our relationships and ensure they can act in fair competition environment. While we apply transparency and openness, honesty, effective competition and the best value money can buy principles in our processes, we expect a participatory cooperation, high product/service quality, and innovative applications from our suppliers.
We consider that conducting lawful actions and following our ethics rules by our suppliers we work together is the first step of our cooperation.
Our Criteria In Supplier Choice
Price advantage based on sectoral and price conditions
Quality and timely shipping performance meeting our expectations and needs
Stable supply capacity
Fulfilling Support to Life Supplier Contract
Compliance with Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Ethical Standards
Support to Life encourages fair and ethical procurement and business applications as a humanitarian actor. Employees follow these principles on all issues related to supply processes including, but not limited to determining requirements, choosing bidders/suppliers, tendering, assessing bids, forming contracts, contract management and payment/contract conclusion.
Support to Life undertakes to use its resources according to the highest ethical code of conduct, fairness and transparency being its basic principles accordingly. All supply employees act according to these standards in all their business relationships inside or outside the association.
Support to Life specifies its rules and codes in writing as clear as possible through its guides. It depends of objective judgement of its employees observing ethical standards in order to take the correct steps when there are no written rules.
Ethical Conduct of Suppliers
Suppliers must follow the highest ethical standards during both bidding and execution of a contract, avoid corrupt actions. Support to Life refuses bids of suppliers that engage in unethical conduct. It can terminate or cancel contracts of supplier companies for this cause. Suppliers are obliged to follow Support to Life Supplier Code of Conduct including provisions on the environment, children and human rights. Support to Life Supplier Code of Conduct are an indispensable part of the contract formed between Support to Life and the supplier. Supplier that forms contract with Support to Life confirms that it fulfills provisions of Support to Life Supplier Code of Conduct.
Promotion materials, gifts, etc. from suppliers that might create a dependency relationship or create such a perception or leave an impression of fraud are definitely not accepted.
Gifts and Accommodation
Support to Life adopts zero tolerance policy regarding gifts or discounts that could be offered to Support to Life employees by suppliers, bidders or possible resources at any stage in supply process in order to ensure complete impartiality of supply process.
Gifts (calendar, pen, stationary, etc. together with personalized gifts) from suppliers, individual beneficiaries or other vocational connections in addition to lunches and dinners, invitations to social activities including, but not limited to sports or cultural activities cannot be accepted.
Money, gifts, travel or other expenses, accommodation, discounts, favoritism, any direct or indirect amount could be assessed as bribe. Overlooking concessions that qualify as bribe by persons using their office is assessed as breach of ethical code of conduct.
Actions that qualify as bribe breach legal provisions on fight against corruption and the relevant regulations. All employees are obliged to be familiar with national and other applicable fight against corruption laws and follow them. Breaching fight against corruption laws have serious consequences and might include legal and criminal sanctions for our association and the relevant individuals.
We require that our joint venture partners, suppliers, contractors, beneficiaries, and other business partners follow zero tolerance policy on bribe.
Create Your Supplier Record
If you can provide the products and services in procurement categories we need in our activities, consider you follow our supplier code of conduct, and would like to establish a partnership, you can create your supplier record by filling out “Prospective Supplier Application Form”. We assess your application according to our criteria and accept positive candidates among our approved suppliers to give them the opportunity to introduce and transmit their product/services to us more easily.
- Office Decoration
- Office Stationary
- Travel Accommodation and Agency
- Fleet Leasing
- Fuel Oil
- Cleaning
- Maintenance
- Meal Card – Gift Card
- Insurance
- Cargo
- Courier
- Alarm Services
- Translation
- Shipping
- Security
- Print Services (Printer Leasing)
- Certified Financial Consultancy
- Agency
- Promotion
- Printing
- Advertising
- Production
- Hardware and Technical Equipment
- Software
- Technical Consultancy
- Project Audit
- Construction
- Furniture
- Real Estate
- Hygiene Set
- Food Set
- Prefabricated
- Portable Toilet
- Blanket

We undertake to form open and transparent communication with our suppliers as all our stakeholders. In order to improve our supply processes with your opinions and complaints, and conduct these processes in line with our code of conduct and undertakings, you can reach us from [email protected] address.