Our İzmir Project Officer, Hale Younso, shares her experiences from the field as part of our work focused on combating the climate crisis through “inclusive zero waste management.”

The increasing frequency and severity of disasters caused by the climate crisis make it imperative to protect nature and the environment. At Support to Life, we aim to be part of this struggle by raising awareness about “inclusive zero waste management.” Through our work with women and children in Kadifekale, a neighborhood in İzmir’s Konak district, we are taking action together to protect our environment and strengthen social cohesion. Here, I’d like to share some of the insights and experiences from the field.

What Are Zero Waste and Upcycling?

Let’s start by looking at some key concepts. Zero waste is a management approach aimed at minimizing waste generation and using resources efficiently. When implemented correctly, it can increase waste recovery rates to as much as 60% by 2035.

Upcycling, on the other hand, involves creatively repurposing waste materials or non-functional products into items of higher value. This approach not only reduces waste but also creates economic opportunities and jobs.

Promoting Environmental Awareness with Women and Children

One of the goals of our work is to raise awareness about how materials considered waste in daily life can be reused through upcycling. Workshops with women and children have been particularly effective in achieving this. Together, we’ve experienced the joy of creating new items, such as turning yogurt containers into decorative baskets, juice boxes into flower pots, and bottle caps into fridge magnets.

We place special emphasis on children’s participation, seeing it as a fundamental human right. With this in mind, we organize safe and inclusive activities where children learn, ask questions, and discuss how to protect the world we live in. They are also encouraged to share what they’ve learned with their peers.

During these activities, we adhere to child safeguarding principles. For instance, we’ve developed a new greeting method to raise awareness of personal boundaries. Instead of physical contact, we cross our arms over our chests as if giving ourselves a hug. Watching Support to Life staff and children greet each other this way in school hallways is truly heartwarming!

Waste Collecting and Social Bias

Another important topic in our sessions is waste collecting and the societal biases faced by those working in this field. We highlight the risks encountered by women and children engaged in waste collection and emphasize the role of social cohesion in reducing prejudice.

Participants often discuss common misconceptions about waste collectors. For example, the belief that they pollute the environment or that their work is illegal is widespread. Our discussions aim to dispel such stereotypes and foster greater understanding.

Our Goals and Your Contribution

The ‘Social Cohesion through Inclusive Zero Waste" Project’ is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, with financial support from the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (USBPRM). As Support to Life, we aim to raise public awareness, promote the zero waste model, and strengthen social cohesion between local communities and refugee populations within the scope of this project. We believe that inclusive zero waste practices play a crucial role in fostering social cohesion and, to this end, organize inclusive workshops that bring together diverse communities.

The project operates in five provinces—Adıyaman, Hatay, İzmir, Kilis, and Şanlıurfa—across eight municipalities. Its primary goals include strengthening waste collection management, raising societal awareness, and improving the living conditions of waste collectors.

Your support is crucial in this effort. By adopting zero waste practices in your home, trying out upcycling ideas, and raising awareness in your community, you can contribute to this movement. Together, we can take steps toward a more sustainable future!

For more information:


Hale Younso
İzmir Project Officer

Çiğdem Güner
Communications Manager


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